Welcome to Lab Student Survey documentation!

Installation & Usage

Lab Student Survey

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Python package for lab student survey. A single command fetches the spreadsheet generated from Google Forms and uploads the analysis results to Google Drive.


  • Create student-lab-survey (or any name) project in Google Cloud Platform.

  • Enable Google Drive API in Google Cloud Platform.

  • Create a Service Account in Google Cloud Platform.

  • Download the Service Account credentials as JSON in Google Cloud Platform and save it as service-secrets.json in the working directory or set it as GDRIVE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT environment variable (via GitHub Secrets).

  • Create student-lab-survey (or any name) folder in Google Drive.

  • Add the Service Account email to the student-lab-survey folder with Editor permissions.

  • Create a Google Form for the lab student survey. The second question should be the name of the supervisor.

  • Create a Google Sheet in the student-lab-survey folder from the Google Form.

  • Create metadata.csv and metadata_group_name.csv in the working directory or student-lab-survey folder in Google Drive to specify the question groups. The former will be automatically generated in the working directory if it does not exist. The latter is optional.

Environment Variables

  • Set the Google Sheet ID as LAB_STUDENT_SURVEY_FILE_ID environment variable (via GitHub Secrets).

  • Set the student-lab-survey folder ID as LAB_STUDENT_SURVEY_FOLDER_ID environment variable (via GitHub Secrets). (Optional.) If not set, the parent folder ID of the Google Sheet will be used.

  • (Set the Service Account credentials as GDRIVE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT environment variable (via GitHub Secrets).)

Running commands


Github Actions

name: Run lab-student-survey

    # every day at 00:00 UTC
    - cron: "0 0 * * *"

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Install wkhtmltopdf
        run: sudo apt-get install -y wkhtmltopdf
      - name: Install and run lab-student-survey
        run: pipx run lab-student-survey


Install this via pip or pipx (or your favourite package manager):

pipx install lab-student-survey


As far as I could find, there is no repository on GitHub for this particular topic. Instead, you may want to check out the following alternative websites. However, as there are too few people in a lab, with the effect of diminishing anonymity, most of these websites do not seem to attract many reviews.


研究室 口コミ -満載 -学べます - Search / X


pi rate website phd site:www.reddit.com - Google Search

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!